Saturday, 22 October 2011

Research into the music industry

Over the years there seems to have been a massive decline of music on music channels, for instance MTV have suffered as they used to be very music based where as nowadays it’s rare to find a music video on MTV as they have been replaced with lifestyle and comedy shows, such as ‘My Super Sweet 16th.’ There are channels which specify for niche music videos, for instance for much older and slower music, the channel ‘Magic’ would be suitable.

This could be due to the fact audiences can easily produce their own music videos for a seriously cheap price, for instance on sites such as ‘YouTube’ there is free broadcasting of music twenty four seven, meaning that song channels are not needed as much which causes a decline in the industry. Due to YouTube audiences are now vastly blurring the once evident lines between consumer and producers as they are making their own videos for a cheap price, meaning they take on the shoes of the producer. This then causes a power shift as the audience claim most power which often threatens record labels as they lose out on a lot of money as they are needed less to make expensive music videos to promote an artist, because the audience are downloading their song for free rather than purchasing it. This can be seen as beneficial to the artist because overall its free advertising, therefore it’s not always considered such a bad thing.

Finally because of web 2.0 sites like YouTube there has been a consequential shift in relationship between producer and audience. The point of web 2 is that it’s a way for audience to connect with one another, for instance YouTube enables audience to upload a video which they created and then share that with the whole world, this therefore gives active audiences a chance to share their opinion and let a relationship form.

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