Saturday, 22 October 2011

Our target audience

Our target audience for our chosen music video would mainly be younger people such as teenagers or young adults who would be able to relate to the video personally. We will make the music video so that all ages can enjoy it but we feel as a group that younger people would predominately be our target audience. The story line throughout our video would be easier for the younger generation to relate to, as every person as had a downfall in their life and have gone through something they needed rescuing from.

If I was to personally promote the MGMT song ‘Kids’ I think it would most likely appear on TV shows aimed at younger people, for instance Hollyoaks during the ad breaks rather than on BBC 2 at 11pm.

I decided not to add the official music video for the song, as our group decided not to watch the video as it might influence us during the filming of ours.

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