Monday, 6 February 2012

Advert idea one - rough mockup

Similarly like our digipak, we decided we wanted to relate our advert to our music video. Our initial idea was to illustrate the literal meaning of ‘Jar of Hearts’ and portray that through image. This would result in our advert being easily recognisable for our audience as people could easily find the link between the song and advert.

The image shows a jar holding a heart; this would be a representation for the woman’s heart in the video being broken. In order to link to the digipak and disc design we would show the heart inside the jar with a little jigsaw shaped piece missing; this would then create a similar meaning to the rest of our ancillary products. It would also enable us to include a recognisable symbol of a heart in order to represent the woman. Additionally we wanted to experiment with the relationship of the two characters in our video, therefore we decided to include a string of polaroid photographs as a timeline, we decided on this because they link to the photographs used on our digipaks, they also would enable our advert to have a much more intense personal feeling than without them. We planned on using a pale colour tone with the advert as we wanted it to be pale and not to bright and excited as we felt this would portray the wrong meaning to our audience.

Overall we decided not to go with this advert idea as it was our initial idea and we hadn’t experimented with other aspects. It also didn’t show the desired amount of emotive meaning that we craved. On the other hand although the literal meaning of the advert would attract our desired audience the advert lacked the emotions.

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