Monday, 6 February 2012

Final idea for digipak

The final idea for our digipak came as a result from our second idea, we really liked the idea of the diary holding the antagonist’s secrets within therefore we decided to stay along the same lines of a journal or scrapbook. As you can see on the rough mock up above we decided to use a long line of photographs of the couple hanging across all three pages of the digipak. The front cover itself consists of a polaroid photograph of the girl with tears and makeup running down her face as she faces away from the camera to avoid making personal eye contact with the receiver.  The photo will be in black and white in order to express the downhearted feel of the album. We decided to use polaroid style photographs in order to make the digipak much more personal, as you will often find polaroid photographs of couples very popular.

The photo will be hanging on a piece of string in the centre frame of the digipak as if they were hanging on a washing line. The string will continue onto the back cover and inside flap, the back cover will show a progression in the couples relationship through photographs which will hang in a sort of passport photograph style. They will show the distance slowly begin to increase in their relationship. The inside flap will show another polaroid photograph of the couple together where they will be shown happy and in love, unlike the other photos which will connote the decline in their relationship.

The inside of our digipak will have the track list and the design for the back of both discs. The track list will be in the centre, we went for our original idea of using the letter as this proves the most effective. Behind the two disks we have a collection of lyrics from Christina Perri which are written on ripped up pieces of paper which we have collaged together. On one side the lyrics are all focused on the loving side of a relationship whereas the other side are more focused on the heartbreak and betrayal of the relationship. Overall we wanted all of these aspects of the digipak to act as a journal for our female character in our video.

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