Thursday, 22 December 2011

Student feedback

Secondly we received some basic feedback from our fellow media students, we pitched our idea to another group and they gave us feedback. The group that we showed it to had a very positive response to our idea which we were very happy about. Sam said: "we have clear research of the lyrics and themes" this helped to boost our confidence as its very important that our audience members understand what we are trying to portray without us having to explain it to them in great detail. Luke said "It’s really good how we have taken our project from AS and expanded on some of the effects and ideas we had for our thriller opening" this made us consider back to the previous year where we carefully choose our mise-en-scene in order to make the girl look as student like as possible without it looking fake. 

We have considered the same factors for our music video as mise-en-scene is playing a huge role on interpretation for our audience.  Josh said "The song choice brings out the emotion of life" This is exactly what we as a group were hoping for, we want the audience to be able to depict the highs and lows of life and what paths we have offered to us that we must choose as individuals to follow. We plan on showing this in our video, by using the same actor to play both roles we are clearly portraying the two paths of life this male got offered and the video is the play out of both of them.

The only negative feedback we received off the other group was that we needed to expand our shot types, which we already knew due to the teacher’s feedback but because two separate groups of people had suggested it to us; we are undoubtedly going to change our shots and make them more complex. Also the final piece of feedback we received was when Luke asked if our idea was a little too complex. After we thought about it, each individual in the group can see the video their own way inside their head so all we can do is shoot the video, begin the editing stage and hope that we get the meaning we want across to our audience. The only way we will know if the idea is to ambitious is to actually give it ago.

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